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Duggies Corner

Duggies Corner will be an ADHD-fueled stream of consciousness for the most part. I will do my best to bring a balance of topics. But starting out, I want to speak about something I feel very very passionate about: Division.

Division – this word is not used nearly as much as it should be. It needs attention. As the elites have carefully crafted it to control us. We laugh when we think about this. But think back to the 90’s and relationships across the board. Race relations specifically: do you recall the types of shows on TV? The skits? The interviews. How free comedy was. How great everyone got along.

Then comes 9/11, and on the home front, patriotism reigns supreme. An American flag on every home. As citizens, we were never closer. We had an enemy, and we bonded through that.

Unfortunately, this was also our undoing. With the advent of the Patriot Act and the government being granted unlimited access to our personal lives in the name of “Safety” and “National Security” through their programs and monitoring, they began running tests overseas on how to sway or influence nations through online posts and selective news broadcasting. Like any unchecked power, greed took over, and some people wanted to use this knowledge to reshape America.

Since the internet has become something everyone has access to, we have become more and more tribal. Some tribalism can be good, but a majority is always bad. The government not only knows this but has shaped it and influenced more of it. The more we fight each other, the less we look at them, and the more they can get away with. If you are worried about your neighbor, who cares what’s going on in an office in another state?

The media has driven a permanent, irreversible wedge between the left and the right. This division has gotten so bad that it will never repair itself. People blindly follow their side, regardless of the effect it has on their personal lives. That’s bad enough. But what I want to speak about is the division on the right. The insane tribalism between conservatives, I think, has become a bigger problem.

Over 100,000 self-identified Antifa and Islamist sympathizers have flooded into Chicago to cause mayhem. Let’s not even try and pretend we could stand against them if we really had to. I have no doubt some chapters would step up. What would NC do if that 100k of pink hairs came here to destroy our towns? I know we have some Spartans here, but even then, we aren’t the 300. Worse yet, they are not held to the same legal standards that we are. They can burn down a town with no arrests, but we just show up somewhere, and the White House makes a statement.

But in that lies our power. We have to harness that. We could make such an impact. But we have such an internal issue. I’m so sick and tired of the National and Standard bullshit. Conservatives have thousands of clubs with a handful of members. Even then, some groups perform poorly when the population gets too high.

We always like to blame it on—well, that’s just science. Alphas don’t play well with others. Too many captains think they can drive better. But this is the root of the destruction of our nation. Our inability to get along has been chipping away at our country for decades. Now the balance is shifting heavily to the left.

The left is very good at one thing. Falling in line and making the cause all that matters. A pink-haired feminist dike will defend a transgender man as he steals a woman’s only scholarship. But the right has a major problem. We can’t even get along with members and chapters within the same organization. We spend more time and energy fighting with each other than we do with Antifa lately.

We have too many non-active chapters that just want to wear colors and drink while they bitch about the destruction of our country and the loss of our rights on Facebook and Twitter. The left seriously thinks the election of the right is the end of their lives. That they will be jailed, hunted, and killed for existing. This brainwashing is powerful because they have no limits to ensure their side wins. They are funded and protected at the highest levels.

But the right is so riddled with conspiracies that some believe not voting is beneficial or a valid protest. Not voting is a vote for the left, as they have so many dead people and nursing home residents voting. We need all the living possible to vote. We all know that if the left wins, the world goes on—a bit more shitty and a bit more expensive, but life goes on.

We don’t fight as hard as the left does. This is why we lose. They cheat, lie, and steal. They burn down cities and are called peaceful. We can not get away with the things or tactics they use. However, one reason is that most people on the right only fight behind a keyboard. We are not loud. Conservatives are not active on the streets. We inspired the nation at multiple events over the years. We inspired people to fight and stand up. We have done some great things for our country, but it’s not enough.

If we don’t win this election, our jailed brothers will not be freed. We have to bridge the gap. We have to repair or reach out to have a temporary truce with other like-minded groups. If the right can’t unite to fight the left, we are just helping the left win. They organized 100,000 protesters really fast. That’s crazy. They have the funding, manpower, and, worse, the permission to destroy cities.

We need to build some bridges for the good of the nation for at least a few months. Once control of the country is back in competent hands, we can go right back to hating each other if you like. But we have to find a way to get along for now and fixate on the bigger picture. If they vote conservative, they are our ally for now. We have to fixate on this truth for the next few months.

Kamala is already talking about stealing and seizing patients to control manufacturing to put price caps on food items. These are textbook communist talking points. Massive inflation always predates communist takeovers. The people are tired and easily swayed to trade rights for comfort. We have to work harder than ever. I know the honeymoon phase has worn off, and we don’t have that spark like we used to. But if they win, we will face real wars. Much closer to home. And eventually, bread lines. Standing in a line, saying I told you so, doesn’t really mean anything. Forecasting the future doesn’t hold water if you don’t do anything to change whats coming.

We can be the symbol that gives people the confidence to stand up. We have done it before. Men who wore black and yellow that predate you are most likely what inspired you to reach out and join us. Inspire others. We hold more power than you realize; that’s why they hate us. That’s why they hunt us. We are a symbol of defiance.

Now go out there and Do Proud Boy Shit
