America V2

This week, as we celebrate a truly American revolution. We came together to beat the deep state. The American public voted us in power of all houses of government. As much as the last 4 years sucked it was nessicary to bring America to this point to return election results so massive for conservatives we will have a once on a 100 year opportunity to fundamentals change the path of this amazing country.

Don’t be persuaded by the nonsense you see online. They are the minority. The problem is the American public are spoon feed these naritives by algorithm’s so much and so often the belive its the majority opinion. This is enough to sway a lot of the public thinking.

What’s really scary is we know liberals ballot farm. They cheat. They pay people I’m elder homes for mail in votes with gift cards. We see this constantly. So this win is so much better than the results we see. This election also shows proof of 20 million fake votes from the last election. If we compare the votes from last election 20 million votes are missing from the total votes cast.

The party of Love and acceptance isn’t taking this well. They will love you to death for disagreeing with them. Be careful and keep you head on a swivel. If somthing looks out of place or somthing feels off trust your gut. The media, reddit users, and discord admins are going to be feeding the public non-stop fear porn.

If you are reading this and you have not reached out to your local Proud Boy chapter now is the time. Be heard, be productive, be brave, do somthing. Click the link. Send a email. Be surrounded by great men that will help you to be the Man you are supposed to be in this life.

POYB brothers. Enjoy this win.

  • Duggie –

Duggies Corner

Duggies Corner will be an ADHD-fueled stream of consciousness for the most part. I will do my best to bring a balance of topics....